Oṃ Sarve Bhavantu Sukhinaḥ

Home Ayur Sattvic

Authentic ayurvedic treatment

in South India


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India's traditions offer a holistic approach to life.

In the ancient texts we find detailed descriptions of ways to live a fully balanced and healthy life, in harmony with natural laws and the rhythm of nature. Various approaches (diet, rhythm of life, activities) exist for this purpose. Each aspect of life is covered by the Vedas of the Indian traditions.

Let us be your bridge to get in touch with these traditions, whether through an Ayurvedic cure, or through personal nutritional counselling based on Ayurveda, as well as with individual journeys and encounters on the Indian subcontinent.

Enjoy the benefits of our wide network of scholars and spiritual initiates in India and experience a holistic approach to your human existence.

Your journey begins already

One who is established in self, who has balanced doshas, balanced agni, properly formed dhatus, proper elimination of malas, well functioning bodily processes and whose mind, soul and senses are happy is called a healthy person.
— Sushruta Samhita, ayurvedic book, 1000 BCE